Wednesday, November 1, 2017

How to Effectively Use Social Proof to Increase Conversions

Many factors can influence a customer’s decision making.

How can you get them to buy products from your company instead of your competition?

You have to find a way to influence their opinions.

You can achieve this by leveraging social proof.

The goal is to create a positive perception of your company. It’s power in numbers.

Let’s say a prospective customer is searching for a product online.

They know what they want, but they’re not sure which ecommerce store to buy it from.

What are some things they may be looking for?

Company A has over 500 reviews. Company B has only 7 reviews.

Which one do you think has a better public perception?

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Look at the factors in this graphic as a reference point.

Obviously, the company with more reviews will seem more attractive to the new customers.

That company feels more reliable.

Over 500 people took the time to write a review, so they must be legitimate, right?

Honestly, the quality of the product is irrelevant here.

Company B could potentially have a far superior product, but if nobody knows about it, it’s useless.

Don’t get me wrong: quality is obviously important.

If you’re selling a product that’s faulty or has lots of problems, social proof can backfire.

You may get hundreds of reviews, but if they’re all negative, it could put you out of business.

Regardless of your company type, industry, or current reputation, I’ll show you how to improve your conversions by using social proof.

Use celebrity endorsements

Don’t let the term “celebrity” throw you off.

Unless you have lots of connections, it’s probably not realistic for you to land a superstar like Jay-Z, Shaquille O’Neil, or Tom Cruise to endorse your product.

If you want someone like Selena Gomez to recommend your company on her social profiles, it will cost you $550,000 per post.

That’s outrageous.

Instead, look for regular people with large followings, especially on social media platforms like Instagram.

Here’s an example of how Bose used Russell Wilson to create social proof:

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Over 250,000 people viewed this video.

If Russell Wilson says it works, then it must, right?

That’s the power of social proof.

Keep in mind that the Federal Trade Commission requires social influencers to clearly disclose their relationships with brands they promote.

That’s why Russell used the #Ad hashtag in this post.

I know what you’re thinking.

Maybe Russell Wilson isn’t an A-list celebrity, but he’s still an NFL quarterback.

You can also find local celebrities or regular people with lots of social media friends.

Browse through your followers. Do you see anyone with 10k, 20k, or maybe even 50k followers?

Reach out to them directly to see if they’d be interested in becoming a brand ambassador for your business.

You may even have better success with these people as opposed to celebrities with millions of followers.


It’s easier for someone with 20k followers to stay more engaged with their fans.

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Get out there, and try to find people to endorse your brand and products.

It doesn’t have to be Justin Timberlake—anyone with a large social following can help you generate social proof.

Proudly display your best numbers

Let your numbers do the talking for you.

How many people bought your product or downloaded your ebook?

Tell your customers.

Post this information on your website in real time.

Here’s an example from Nosto:

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What screams social proof louder than 22 billion?

Here are some other options you may consider using:

  • How much money have people saved by using your business?
  • How many social media followers do you have?
  • How many customers have you served?

But if you don’t have impressive numbers, omit them.

For example, let’s say you have only 450 Instagram followers.

That’s nothing to brag about.

First of all, if that’s the case, you need to learn how to build a larger Instagram following.

But don’t include that number on your website.

Instead, show off your strengths.

If you have 30,000 followers on Twitter, that’s something you’ll want to showcase.

Here’s another example from Kissmetrics:

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The homepage shows how many companies use their behavioral analytics and engagement platform.

It creates social proof.

If it said, “10 companies use our service,” nobody would be impressed.

But 900 is nothing to sneeze at. It’s impressive.

Take a look at your best numbers to see which ones are worth displaying on your website.

Display visual proof of your product in action

Photos are powerful social proof.

Images can help reinforce the idea that your product works.

Remember the example of Bose we looked at earlier?

Russell Wilson had the speakers under water. And it was effective. Why?

Because it’s one thing to tell people that something is waterproof, and it’s another to show them.

That’s why you should include before and after photos on your website.

Proactiv has been doing this for years:

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This page on their website encourages users to upload their own before-and-after photos.

They want to hear from their customers because it will show any skeptics that the product works.

It’s a great idea.

Plus, storytelling is an effective way to engage and persuade someone.

Think about your brand, products, or services for a minute.

What kinds of images would generate social proof?

Let’s say you’re a carpet cleaning company. You could show dirty rug vs. clean rug.

Before and after photos work well for anyone involved in the health, wellness, and fitness industry.

Here’s another example from a fitness company:

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Do you look like the guy on the left?

Well, we can make you look like the guy on the right. And we promise to do it in 90 days or your money back.

It’s an impressive marketing strategy.

Visual evidence of your product working will improve conversions.

Give your customers incentives for writing reviews

Let’s take our last point one step further.

Sure, you can always post photos on your website.

But they’ll mean a lot more to prospective customers if they see reviews from other users.

That’s why people research companies on websites like:

Your company should have a profile on as many of these platforms as possible.

This will increase your chances of getting more reviews.

It’s all about customer preferences.

Some people may trust only Yelp reviews, while others will check your ratings on Google.

If you have one but not the other, you’re alienating potential new clients.

Encourage people to upload photos when they leave a review.

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Earlier we discussed how visual evidence could impact a buyer’s decision making.

Based on the graphic above, we know user photos are far more important when it comes to generating social proof.

Customers may feel a professional photo on a company website could be glamorizing the product.

To some extent, they’re right.

Obviously, you’re not going to willingly share images that portray your business in a negative light.

But customers feel they can trust other customers.

Here’s a helpful tip for convincing customers to leave reviews.

Be direct, and ask for a review.

There’s nothing wrong with this approach.

If you have a brick and mortar location, make sure your staff understands the importance of customer reviews.

Before a customer leaves, train your staff to say, “Don’t forget to write a review on Yelp.”

If a customer bought something from your ecommerce store, send a follow up email with a direct link to your profile on a review website.

Look how Zappos accomplishes this with their email campaign:

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The message is short and direct. All they’re asking for is a review, nothing else.

What’s the incentive they offer?

“Help others.”

Make sure you give your customers a good reason to leave a review.

Providing valuable insight to other consumers may work for people, but other customers may need some extra motivation.

Here’s an example from The Body Shop:

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Let’s be clear.

You’re not offering an incentive for customers to leave a positive review.

Obviously, that’s what you’d prefer, but you can’t control that.

Notice how The Body Shop just says, “Tell us what you think.”

It doesn’t specify good or bad.

Either way, as a customer, you will get 10% off your next purchase if you write a review.

This incentive can be the extra motivation customers need to generate social proof for your business.

Create surveys and share the results

Sometimes people won’t take the time to leave a full review.

It’s understandable.

You have to realize people are busy, and an incentive may not persuade all your customers.

Here’s where you can use a survey to your advantage.

Rather than typing customized reviews, a customer can simply click on some predetermined survey responses.

It’s quicker, takes less effort, but can be just as effective.

Here’s an example from Nordstrom:

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It’s easy to build a survey online.

Check out these sites:

Share the survey results on your website to create social proof.

Look how 4Change Energy does this:

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If you’re not having much luck generating customer reviews, see if your customers will respond better to surveys.

Get testimonials from experts in your industry

Customer opinions are valid, but does the customer always know what they’re talking about?

An expert is another matter.

If you have customers with high credibility, see if they are willing to give your business a testimonial.

Figure out which experts in your industry may be relevant to include.

For example, if you’re a mattress company, getting a positive testimonial from a chiropractor makes sense.

Other experts to consider for various industries could be:

  • Lawyers
  • Doctors
  • Teachers
  • Physical therapists
  • Mechanics

Here’s an example from Kissmetrics:

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Follow this template.

Try to include the expert’s:

  • full name
  • company
  • title
  • photograph

How did your company help them? Be specific.

In the example above, the testimonial says “30% lift in conversions.”

All of these factors help contribute to social proof.

You’re allowed to brag

Growing up, your parents may have told you not to brag.

I’m here to tell you it’s okay to do that.

Let everyone know about your success and what you’re good at.

I’m not saying you should brag about how much money you made last month, but boast about anything that establishes your credibility.

Were you featured in a respected publication?

Did a popular website use your business as a reference or resource?

Check out this example from Roma Moulding:

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Forbes Media is a “global media, branding and technology company, with a focus on news and information about business, investing, technology, entrepreneurship, leadership and affluent lifestyles.”

They are recognized across the world.

Getting featured on their website is a big deal.

Don’t be afraid to share information like this with your customers.

If a company such as Forbes says you’re legitimate, then you must be, right?

That’s the power of social proof.

Come up with a customer referral program

We’ve already established that customers trust other customers.

Customer referrals can generate social proof.

If someone had a bad experience with a brand, they won’t recommend that company to their friends and family.

If you get a referral from someone you trust, it implies they had a good experience.

They want you to get the same positive interaction.

Look at the impact referrals can have on your business:


You increase the chances of getting a conversion through customer-to-customer recommendations.

Let’s take this a step further.

Yes, your customers may love your business.

But will they go out of their way to spread the word?


Like with reviews, sometimes people need some extra motivation.

Offer an incentive, like Airbnb does:

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It doesn’t need to be over the top.

Just give them some encouragement to share your brand with their friends.

Trust me, it works.

Use Facebook

We’ve discussed the importance of generating social proof through Instagram and review websites such as Yelp or Google Local.

But that’s not enough.

Encourage customers to review your brand on Facebook.

Facebook has such a wide reach, you can’t afford to leave it out of your social proof strategy.

Think of it like this.

How many followers do you have on Facebook?

How many friends do your followers have?

You’re indirectly connected with all those people even if they don’t follow you.

If your customers comment and write reviews on your Facebook page, it will show up on the news feed of all their friends.

It’s great exposure for your brand.

Here’s something else to consider: Facebook is the top platform for positive reviews.

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Comments on your Facebook page are more likely to paint your company in a positive light than on other review websites.

How can you encourage people to write reviews on your Facebook page?

Engage with your customers. Like their posts. Respond to their comments. Make sure your profile is active.

All of these factors can help generate social proof on Facebook.


Customers trust other customers.

One of the best ways to improve your conversions is by leveraging social proof.

This strategy won’t cost you anything.

Sure, it might involve some promotional giveaways, but for the most part, it’s free.

Display your best numbers. Show your customers how many people visited your website or downloaded your app. It gives your company more credibility.

You can also brag about certain achievements, like being featured in a popular magazine.

Encourage customers to review your products. It’s even better if they upload their own photos. People trust user photos more than professional ones.

Images are a powerful way to prove your product works. Incorporate some visual demonstrations and some before and after shots whenever possible.

Get an endorsement from a celebrity or expert. It doesn’t have to be Brad Pitt, but find someone with a large social following and send them some free products.

If you follow this advice, you’ll create social proof for your product or service and improve your conversions.

What incentive will you offer your customers to review your brand on Facebook?

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